The Medical Care 2020 app is growing so big; it’s taking up all the resources on your smartphone. In the future, it may even store your COVID-19 test pass certificate, too, along with Microsoft’s proposed ID 2020 inoculation history – if there’s space. You may have to show them to be able to even travel, attend a football match or concert, should those things ever open up again.
This innocuous little button that you may sometimes use to wirelessly broadcast music to a local device or your car has now taken on a new sinister aspect after the upgrade. Other smartphones in the vicinity, in the pockets of other users, now have apps harvesting your Device ID, the unique ID that can be used to track down your telephone, and ultimately, you. Did you consent to this? Some technology experts even claim that with Bluetooth turned off, your telephone is still detectable by other smartphones.
Work 18.65
After the reboot, many people found that this app had actually been removed from their phones. Despite the fact, most of them still wanted or needed to use it. Many others found the terms and conditions had changed dramatically, and there was no way to reverse that if you wanted to continue to use the app. Work 18.65 might soon see a massive series of swift upgrades – Work 18.99 is even a strong possibility in the not-too-distant future. Others, meanwhile, are finding it difficult ever to download the app again.
Education 4.18
This app will get you used to the prison mentality and prepare you for your future role as a low-level member of the proletariat in society. Unfortunately, the free version of this app will give you no financial education whatsoever, so that you remain blissfully unaware of what money is and how it works. This is partly because you’re planned to be a consumer of financial products that you don’t understand, to help fund your own future slavery.
There are paid-for versions of this App in most countries that provide a much higher quality experience and will prepare you better for a role in the upper echelons of society, with a high up role in Government 9.11 a possibility. The paid-for versions are extremely expensive. However, the advanced app Education 18.23 has no free option, and everyone must pay for it – over a large number of years, through something called a student loan, issued in fiat currency, and requiring repayment with interest added. Already in life, we find the creation of money as loans, to be repaid with interest added, as the biggest financial manipulation going and the best means of chaining down the slaves early.
Medical care 2020
Once upon a time, there were these two words, ‘health’ and ‘care.’ The meaning of the two words is obvious, and someone put them together to form one word “healthcare” – the act of looking after your health. In reality, this word means doing things such as eating a varied diet of good foods. Hence, you get all of the vitamins and minerals required. Then, taking exercise such as long walks, and avoiding doing damaging things like smoking – which, ironically, doctors in the 1950s even claimed could cure asthma. Modern medical care is extremely removed from this, and a trip to the doctors’ surgery or hospital has become more akin to visiting a Moroccan bazaar when the meeting is seen as a sales opportunity to thrust all kinds of items with a commission for the seller your way. How about a blood pressure test? It’s high, oh, these drugs might help – completely ignoring that it’s high because of the bad traffic or long wait you had getting to the Doctor’s surgery. On birth control already? No problem, how about trying this new product instead? Want to go home and be independent after a hospitalisation? No problem Mr/Mrs Jones; we just need to sort out the right care package for you; just sign here. Often, people get stuck on a direct debit of medical care to take for life, rather than dealing with the core premise of their health care. This app is growing so big; it’s taking up all the resources on your smartphone. In the future, it may even store your COVID-19 test pass certificate, too, along with Microsoft’s proposed ID 2020 inoculation history – if there’s space. You may have to show them to be able to even travel, attend a football match or concert, should those things ever open up again.
Fiat currency version x.x
Many regional variations of this app exist. Be it pounds, euros, dollars, yen or pesos, fiat currency still exists, and if anything, the great reset means even more increasing amounts of it in circulation, devaluing any savings you might have. Fortunately, there are now apps you can install that operate outside or complement Fiat Currency version x. However, this app is incredibly hard to remove and remains essential for most right now.
Government version 9.11
The big government surveillance society that has accelerated around the millennium, the one that curtails individual rights and freedoms, culminating in introducing a variety of regulations in 2020 to restrict your travel and ability to transact and trade with fellow human beings to survive. In any other era, that would be called fascism. In 2017, the then U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May referred to a terrorist attack as “hating us for our freedoms.” The irony of that should not be lost on any of us, for just three years later, we have no freedoms now too. Even your right to self-expression is gone, as you now have to wear a mask that hides the facial expressions that go with what you say. When wearing a mask, it’s probably not a good time to make ironic or sarcastic jokes with a hidden smile.