The big government surveillance society that has accelerated around the millennium, the one that curtails individual rights and freedoms, culminating in introducing a variety of regulations in 2020 to restrict your travel and ability to transact and trade with fellow human beings to survive. In any other era, that would be called fascism. In 2017, the then U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May referred to a terrorist attack as “hating us for our freedoms.” The irony of that should not be lost on any of us, for just three years later, we have no freedoms now too. Even your right to self-expression is gone, as you now have to wear a mask that hides the facial expressions that go with what you say. When wearing a mask, it’s probably not a good time to make ironic or sarcastic jokes with a hidden smile.
Inflation is an awful thing. It increases the number of currency units in circulation, robbing and diluting the hard-earned savings of normal people.
Note, inflation is an increase in the number of currency units in circulation, not an increase in prices, despite media stories about increased prices being inflation. Even the Bank of England, perhaps accidentally, confuses the two. They often aim for an inflation ‘target’
of 2%, supposedly the centrally-decided ideal set of price increases for a Goldilocks, not too-warm, not too-cold, economy to function. However, when they refer to this inflation target, they mean an increase in prices. Normally, the amount of extra currency pumped into circulation yearly exceeds the 2% figure by a large margin.
The BBC too, it seems, has the same misconception as the Bank of England. Take this story UK inflation rises after Eat Out to Help Out ends, published on 21st October 2020, for example. Here we find an explanation of Inflation that is, at best, accidentally wrong and at worst, intentionally wrong.
What is inflation?
Inflation is the rate at which the prices for goods and services increase.
It affects everything from mortgages to the cost of our shopping and the price of train tickets.
It’s one of the key measures of financial well-being, because it affects what consumers can buy for their money. If there is inflation, money doesn’t go as far.
Atlas Shrugged
How a society can collapse and how the government responds when the most productive members cease to participate was covered in the novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Ayn Rand. Like Marmite, this book is either loved or loathed by readers, but its view of a dystopian 1950s America in slow-motion decline is not too similar to now, in some ways.
Lobbying, in some ways, is the bypassing of individual citizens’ rights by a rich minority to give their interests precedence. It certainly seems to be at odds with the one person, one vote concept, as an individual in a poor neighbourhood in a remote town could never get airtime with politicians in the same way. In the case of an organisation like ‘Open Society,’ they have a very international reach. reports OSEPI has 16 Lobbyists working in the EU, too, and they had 56 meetings with the European Commission in the past year.
Facebook Libra
In August 2019, quietly and without much fanfare, Facebook made an announcement – they introduced their own cybercurrency. Called ‘Libra.’
You may wonder about the name, ‘Libra’ – not only is it the seventh sign of the zodiac, but it is also the name for a unit of weight in ancient Rome, equivalent to 12 ounces. The ‘L’ sign from Libra is still used to represent the British Pound today. Will it be backed by a Pound of sterling silver, though? Probably not. In fact, Facebook wasn’t totally clear on what it will be backed by, saying only “a collection of established financial assets.” Actually, in that respect, it sounds a bit better-backed than the “full faith and trust of your government,” but without knowing what that means, we can’t be sure. What is fairly certain is that Facebook Marketplace has made massive strides in taking market share from the traditional second-hand selling publications and websites that facilitated direct person-to-person transactions and is probably hoping to develop a financial relationship in this way with its users. Depending on how Libra catches on, this could be the start of a major trend.
Corporate Growth
We have seen and continue to witness a massive growth in the value of certain corporations to the extent that their market capitalisations are greater than the GDP of many nations. With that kind of power to wield, corporate currencies are bound to be offered more and more. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, just as long as people know what they are and, most importantly – have options to use them or not. For example, at the beginning of September 2020, Apple’s Market Capitalisation hit the same level as the whole UK FTSE-100, the leading 100 companies in the United Kingdom. These corporations are now huge.
Market Cap of Apple versus 2019 GDP for selected nations
Now, bear in mind that just a few years ago, Apple was just above Mexico. So the trend is upward, then consider many nations are now forecasting a 2020 GDP slump of 10% or more. Apple may even be above the United Kingdom GDP before too long, perhaps even the end of this year.
Corporate Tax Advoidance
Citizens are often frustrated by the apparent ability of the big corporations to dance rings about government tax collection using these methods that are unavailable to smaller businesses and individuals. For example, In the UK in 2010, HMRC waived a potential tax bill of £7bn from Vodafone. David Hartnett, the head of HMRC at the time, even later admitted that he might have made mistakes in some of his actions while settling potential high-yield tax disputes with multinational companies.
Also, Vodafone sold its stake in Verizon Wireless in 2013, to Verizon Communications in the USA. When it came to accounting for taxes, it claimed that a Netherlands Holding company owned the shares sold outside of UK tax jurisdiction and consequently paid no tax. This is all entirely legal, of course, and not a criticism of any corporation doing this, but the net effect of these kinds of deals on smaller businesses and citizens themselves is a bigger tax burden and an inability to compete fairly.
The concept of corporations goes back to Roman times and possibly still further. The basic idea is that a group of people got together to form a venture. Normally with profit-bearing motives. The word ‘corporation’ even comes from the Latin, ‘corpus,’ meaning ‘group of people.’ Part of the idea of corporations being that the venture could live on beyond the lifespans of normal people. Corporations really caught on as imperial trade ventures spread further and further afield, growing with the globalisation and taking us to the point today where these huge entities dominate national stock markets and their corporate footprint is everywhere. Most visibly seen in the products we buy and the logos we see all the time.
In terms of the relationship between governments, corporations, and the people, the view seems to be that the government is paternalistically representing the people and that corporations are off to the side regulated and taxed by the government, and people have the choice of whether or not to transact with them. In a way, they are almost considered to be a subset of the people, in the respect that many also own shares in the corporations, either directly or through their pooled investment schemes, like pensions. Also, people believe that the government is voted in by and represents the people, and the people only.
This old-fashioned view is questionable.
In Time
In the 2011 film, “In Time,” starring Justin Timberlake, people have a built-in microchip clock-type device on their arm to top up and spend credits with. The clock is constantly ticking down in real-time, too, just by living, and people are forced to commit crimes to steal time from other humans to survive. Overall, a rather dystopian future is presented, where people are always conscious of their need to earn time just to survive another day. It’s noticeable in this film, too, that extra credits are given out to favoured interests by the overlords running the system and deducted from others. A likely increased future feature of currency issuance, as technological advances continue.
Patent WO2020060606A1
The future may be about to change dramatically, with direct delivery of currency to the human body itself, via wifi and the new, much-heralded 5G mobile network. Time to introduce Patent WO2020060606A1, filed in June 2019 by Microsoft and published on 26 March 2020, while Corona events began to dominate the news. What follows is the official abstract from the google patents page.
“Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”
Now, as we’re moving into the future here, the conversation turns hypothetical – If the entities behind this Patent wished to wire up the human body to be able to function in this manner, how could they do it? How would they get people to agree to accept it?
It’s up to you to think about that but consider this. The person behind Microsoft, William Gates III, also runs a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Melinda being his wife), that pays out billions to projects of their choosing. Wikipedia may have more up to date figures by the time you read this, but a flavour is as follows:-
The following table lists the top receiving organizations to which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed funding, between 2009 and 2015. The table only includes grants recorded in the Gates Foundation’s IATI publications.
You are invited to research for yourselves the organisations on this list. As a flavour, the single biggest contribution goes to GAVI – The Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization. The second-biggest contribution goes to the WHO – The World Health Organisation. The WHO is often presented as a league of nations-type organisation, but the second-biggest contributor behind the USA to the WHO is not a nation-state. It is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
That Nations are following World Health Organisation guidelines on Corona, including the push for vaccines, when it’s second-biggest contributor is linked to what would be a very, very profitable patent if the appropriate technology can be placed into the human body should be asked about by the government and media, on behalf of everyone. Wherever you live, you may have recently heard an interview with Bill Gates by your national media during these times. One day, a well-known BBC presenter conducted such an interview. Gates was presented as a Pandemic expert, despite having no formal qualifications of that kind. Then, GAVI was mentioned by the presenter, with no mention of how it is linked. Nor was there any mention of this cryptocurrency patent at all. In the USA, an interview between Ellen and Bill Gates on a similar vein was taken down from Facebook after receiving thousands of critical comments, many of them asking questions like those just mentioned. The internet was meant to lead to the sharing of more information and greater knowledge amongst the population, but it seems that investigative journalism is weakening. This is indeed not a criticism of Gates, nor Microsoft. Most of us use their products every single day. By choice. Gates himself would probably love to face genuine public inquisition to help prove that there is no conflict of interest.
It’s also impossible to ignore the biblical aspect of this patent number. WO2020 – New World Order 2020 and 060606 – 666. Either it’s a coincidence, someone is having a major joke, or a biblical prophecy is playing out in front of our eyes.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” – Revelation 13:17